Thursday, October 24, 2013

Mistakes Ladies Make About Men...why things are not working your way

Getting the attention of a man is not the difficult part but keeping him is. In fact, today, you do not have to do or be anything for men to come after you. All you have to do is wake up and shower, walk to the mall or a busy street or post your photos on facebook and you will see a few men waving looking at you. But that, is just the beginning and not the real business.
The real deal is this: Do you know how to keep a man? Can you keep a man? Do you know what it takes and how to act to change your title from single to married? I will guess that no young lady is dating for the sake fun and sex. So, the ultimate goal is to find favors in his eyes and watch him pop the sweetest question. Though, not everyone is ready to be married but no reasonable, well groomed woman wants to be used as a night horse ride from year to year. In the end, a woman wants to know that she is worth sacrificing for.

I understand that bad experience and costly mistakes have forced or caused a lot of women to prefer being single, but the key words are, 'forced' and  or 'caused'. Normally (in a world without long story or sad short story) the ultimate goal for starting a relationship is to settle down with just one man.

The emergence of social media has meeting men so very easy but it has also made it so hard for men to settle for one woman. It takes discipline and deep sense of responsibility for a young man to put a final seal on a lady. It takes discipline because there are so many young ladies and single out on the Internet who are ready and eager to do anything or take anything to be with the man you are hoping to spend your life with. Some of these ladies offer money, some offer sex, some offer business opportunities, some offer properties and some are straight up singles who does not need anything else but cash for pleasure. And men are the target of these various kinds of women.

These women are not strangers. They are around you and I everyday. They your girlfriends and relatives- very nice looking normal pretty ladies and girls who walk the street and share greetings with you. So, the problems of this world do not come from the outside but from within and around you. In that sense, some men have argued that the problem with women comes from women and that if the war against indecency is to fought and won, it must be fought from and at both ends: Women must watch out and preach against the attitude of their fellow women as much as they cry over and curse the man that slipped off their hand. Until women begin to tame women, there is little a men can do to eradicate games.

So, how do you keep a man in this day and age?
First, it is important to know that sex is no longer an effective tool to trap a man. If it had ever been, it is more now.
 Secondly, beauty is not enough reason for a man to commit to you. With makeup, artificial hair and gym, every lady is and feels pretty. Some are big and some are slim. Many men like them big and many more men prefer them slim and  or average in size. So, if it beauty, no man will stop salivating for other ladies while dating you.
Beauty- natural or artificial can be a huge curse or disadvantage. Do not even deceive yourself to think that men are afraid to climb on top of you but everyone is afraid of what you may become and or where you may end. In marriage, serious men ask themselves some serious personal questions. Men know many other beautiful women but you must convince them that you are the one they do not want to wake up without hearing her voice and watching her smile. Remember that marriage is not a bimbo business, hence not so many men are looking for an eye-candy. Most men want their family to last happily forever. Parents always advice their son to bring home a good woman, not just a timed weather conscious sweet smoothie blend.

Thirdly, acting high class or too cute may attract men but will not keep them. In fact, it attracts the wrong men whose plan is to get in between your legs or use you for your cash (assuming you have it) and then walk away. Fake ladies do not get family minded men. So, do not deceive yourself. Class attracts men but class also kicks them away.

So again, then what keeps a man? In this world where whatever you have is what your competitors (other ladies) have, how can you model yourself and handle your game so as to make any good man that comes, stay?

Do not misunderstand this to be good and bad attitude. There is more to to attitude.
Let me break it down:
#1.  There are many ladies with good attitude but who still do not appear or appeal very well to men. Good attitude is not about washing a man's clothes or keeping him company or going over to his house to make him dinner. Good attitude is not dreaming and sharing fantasy life stories. Good attitude is not giving him money to support him.

* On the contrary, good attitude is SIMPLICITY when it comes to dating a man.

Men are not as complicated as women. Be simple if you want to retain and sustain the attention of your man.
Do not try to analyze everything at all times.
Do not make life hectic around him because it COULD what other ladies do around him. Until a man finds a landing space in your life,he will keep roving. This is why men get scared to commit, and people keep wondering what the heck is going on with him. You can help a man to help you by making life a little easier for him. Even if you think you know too much, please learn to say just a little and tame self. To men, the term is: SETTLE DOWN, not SETTLE UP.
Men may cherish nice things but they run from complications. So, if you want a man to come for you and pop the question, start with self. Prepare you.
Taming does not mean that you have to change who you are. It does not mean that you should fake. It means you know your excesses and have decided to tone things down to have a happy life. After all, if calming down will bring you real happiness, wouldn't you calm down?

Understand that men by nature are fighters....they hate threatening environment. So, if you are the type of lady that sets your point and marks and expect him to bend his rules and meet you down the family way, you are likely to get his romance attention but hardly his heart.

To solve that problem: Get into a man's head be simple and easy. Forget the smart minus and addition and multiplications.
Now, go home and do your homework well. .